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The Inferno Race is the Longest Downhill Ski Race in the World

The Inferno Race is the Longest Downhill Ski Race in the World

Do you think you could handle the longest downhill ski race in the world? If so you need to enter the Inferno Race. Until then brace yourself for the thrilling experience.

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The Perfect Chocolate Lock Heart for Valentines Day

The Perfect Chocolate Lock Heart for Valentines Day

There's no better way to show your love this Valentines Day than with chocolate and who better to turn to for chocolate creations than Amaury Guichon.

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Death Stalks it's Next Victim in 'Final Destination 6: Bloodlines'

Death Stalks it's Next Victim in 'Final Destination 6: Bloodlines'

Final Destination 6: Bloodlines see's the horror franchise continue with death stalking new victim leading a young woman to head home in search of answers.

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How Important is the Amazon Rainforest to Earth?

How Important is the Amazon Rainforest to Earth?

The Amazon Rainforest has been the center of discussion for years and how it helps earth. But what exactly does it do to keep the planet healthy?

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Can This Mother Protect Her Baby From a Deranged Hunter in 'Womb'?

Can This Mother Protect Her Baby From a Deranged Hunter in 'Womb'?

Womb see's a pregnant, former addict, at a remote cabin being stalked by a hunter intent on taking her baby.

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Are You Ready for Cutting Edge Combat in 'Ninja Gaiden 4'?

Are You Ready for Cutting Edge Combat in 'Ninja Gaiden 4'?

Ninja Gaiden 4 is back to let you live out your dream of being an invisible killer on a mission.

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Aaron Paul and Eiza Gonzalez Must Survive an Alien Planet in 'Ash'

Aaron Paul and Eiza Gonzalez Must Survive an Alien Planet in 'Ash'

Aaron Paul and Eiza González star in the sci-fi horror Ash about a woman who wakes up on an alien planet to discover her crew are all dead.

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Don't Let This Grandma Drive Your Car

Don't Let This Grandma Drive Your Car

At 79-years-old Annie Koehler is the burnout grandma. Annie and her restored 1957 Cadillac are famous for her burnouts and it's scary how good she is at it.

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Can Cordless Drills Power a Car?

Can Cordless Drills Power a Car?

How many cordless drills do you think you would need to replace your car engine? These guys strapped 50 drills and connected pulleys to the driveshaft to see if it work.

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Take on Endless Enemies in 'Marvel's Spider-Man 2'

Take on Endless Enemies in 'Marvel's Spider-Man 2'

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 see's everyone's favorite neighborhood superhero taking on all his enemies as they threaten New York City.

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Can You Turn Pineapples Into Fireproof Shoes?

Can You Turn Pineapples Into Fireproof Shoes?

We all know pineapples have a tough, prickly outside. But can you use that same protection to create a pair of fireproof shoes?

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Amanda Seyfried Stars in 'Seven Veils'

Amanda Seyfried Stars in 'Seven Veils'

Amanda Seyfried stars in Seven Veils as a theater director asked to bring to life her former mentors masterpiece only for old memories to put everything at risk.

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Bill Skarsgard is 'Locked' in a SUV by Sir Anthony Hopkins

Bill Skarsgard is 'Locked' in a SUV by Sir Anthony Hopkins

Bill Skarsgård and Anthony Hopkins star in Locked about a rich guy who setups a trap. Finding himself locked in a luxury SUV and tortured how will this criminal survive?

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Thanks for the Wisdom Teeth Grandpa

Thanks for the Wisdom Teeth Grandpa

Wisdom Teeth, why do we still have them? They serve no purposes and most of the time they have to be removed with surgery.

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Build Your Own Bushcraft Treehouse

Build Your Own Bushcraft Treehouse

This Bushcraft Treehouse looks like every kids dream to sleep in while out camping. Would you be able to build one and sleep in it?

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