Technology Videos

Advances & Discoveries in Science and Technology

How NASA's Space Telescopes View Our Universe

How NASA's Space Telescopes View Our Universe

NASA has been sending multi-million dollar Space Telescopes into space for year to see far out into our universe. But how do they work and capture those incredible images shared with the world.

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Why You Should Walk 10,000 Steps Everyday

Why You Should Walk 10,000 Steps Everyday

You might have heard that you need to walk 10,000 steps everyday for good health but is there any science behind it?

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Where are You Driving to on This Steam Powered Bike?

Where are You Driving to on This Steam Powered Bike?

The price of gas is getting out of hand, why not use water instead? Or steam to be precise. This steam powered bike will get you around town at a fraction of the cost.

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The Ancestor Paradox Will Make You Feel Dirty

The Ancestor Paradox Will Make You Feel Dirty

The Ancestor Paradox takes you through your family tree only to discover things aren't as they seem. It turns out there just aren't enough people to make it work cleanly. So what does that mean?

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Tiny Robots Swarm Together in an Act of Strength

Tiny Robots Swarm Together in an Act of Strength

Researchers have managed to get tiny robots to swarm together guided by magnetic fields showing incredible acts of strength lifting objects much larger than themselves.

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Can Scientists Make Giant Snowflakes?

Can Scientists Make Giant Snowflakes?

We all know every snowflake is unique and special but what about giant snowflakes? Lets see how scientists are trying to make supersized snowflakes.

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How Can a Prawn Kill You?

How Can a Prawn Kill You?

Allergies might seem a little silly but why do we have them and why can't we control them? Why do our bodies react in such crazy ways to seemingly simple things?

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Incredible Christmas Light Show with 5,000 Drones

Incredible Christmas Light Show with 5,000 Drones

Forget about Carol's by Candlelight, this year it's all about awe inspiring Christmas light shows made with the the help of 5,000 drones.

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Become Anyone You Want with This LED Face Mask

Become Anyone You Want with This LED Face Mask

This LED Face Mask lets you hide and pretend to be anyone you want. All you have to do is design another face and you'll disappear into the crowd.

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Can Scientists Create Real Life Invisibility Cloaks?

Can Scientists Create Real Life Invisibility Cloaks?

Imagine being able to go anywhere without being seen. Where would you go and what would you do? Well scientists have been working on real life invisibility cloaks and these are the results.

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Basketball Robot's are Getting Better

Basketball Robot's are Getting Better

Just when you thought robots couldn't get any better along comes Toyota's Basketball Robot. In the past it was OK at making shots. Now it's a beast on the court.

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Are There Things in Our Universe Scarier Than Black Holes?

Are There Things in Our Universe Scarier Than Black Holes?

Black holes get all the attention because of their ability to destroy everything they come into contact with. But they have evil twins that are as deadly and they're called Gravastars.

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How Does This Robot Pigeon Fly?

How Does This Robot Pigeon Fly?

Scientists have developed a robotic pigeon that flies like the real thing and you'll be amazed at how intricate the flight controls are.

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Your Future Will be on Omnidirectional Display

Your Future Will be on Omnidirectional Display

Everywhere you look there are screens on your phone, computer, cars and more. They do have 1 problem, you can't always see them properly until now with the Omnidirectional display made possible with an Andotrope display.

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Are All Night Study Sessions Any Good for Your Memory?

Are All Night Study Sessions Any Good for Your Memory?

You know what it's like, you have a big exam the next day so you stay up all night cramming as much information as possible. But does it actually help or hurt your brain?

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