Science Videos

Cool Science Experiments and Discoveries

Why You Should Walk 10,000 Steps Everyday

Why You Should Walk 10,000 Steps Everyday

You might have heard that you need to walk 10,000 steps everyday for good health but is there any science behind it?

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The Ancestor Paradox Will Make You Feel Dirty

The Ancestor Paradox Will Make You Feel Dirty

The Ancestor Paradox takes you through your family tree only to discover things aren't as they seem. It turns out there just aren't enough people to make it work cleanly. So what does that mean?

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Can Scientists Make Giant Snowflakes?

Can Scientists Make Giant Snowflakes?

We all know every snowflake is unique and special but what about giant snowflakes? Lets see how scientists are trying to make supersized snowflakes.

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How Can a Prawn Kill You?

How Can a Prawn Kill You?

Allergies might seem a little silly but why do we have them and why can't we control them? Why do our bodies react in such crazy ways to seemingly simple things?

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Can Scientists Create Real Life Invisibility Cloaks?

Can Scientists Create Real Life Invisibility Cloaks?

Imagine being able to go anywhere without being seen. Where would you go and what would you do? Well scientists have been working on real life invisibility cloaks and these are the results.

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Are There Things in Our Universe Scarier Than Black Holes?

Are There Things in Our Universe Scarier Than Black Holes?

Black holes get all the attention because of their ability to destroy everything they come into contact with. But they have evil twins that are as deadly and they're called Gravastars.

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Are All Night Study Sessions Any Good for Your Memory?

Are All Night Study Sessions Any Good for Your Memory?

You know what it's like, you have a big exam the next day so you stay up all night cramming as much information as possible. But does it actually help or hurt your brain?

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Is Vaping Safe?

Is Vaping Safe?

Vaping has kicked cigarette smoking to the curb but is it any better? Lets see what the science has to say.

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An Honest Look at Weed Research

An Honest Look at Weed Research

Weed or Cannabis is being legalized in various parts of the world with most users handling it well. But what is the truth and what are researchers saying about it.

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How Kidney Transplants Save Lives

How Kidney Transplants Save Lives

For some people a kidney transplant can mean the difference between life and death. But how do doctors perform these life saving operations?

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How Terrifying was Project Sundial?

How Terrifying was Project Sundial?

Project Sundial is something out of a sci-fi movie but it's real. Lets take a look at the terrifying idea to use a nuclear bomb to destroy everything.

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Can This Magnetic Ball Float Inside a Copper Sphere?

Can This Magnetic Ball Float Inside a Copper Sphere?

Magnets and copper react strangely together, almost defying gravity. So what would happen if you were to put a magnet ball inside a copper sphere?

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How Much Heat Can You Handle?

How Much Heat Can You Handle?

The days and nights are getting hotter and there's only so much ice cream you can eat. So how hot does it have to be before your body starts to struggle?

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Who Do You Think Needs a Lobotomy?

Who Do You Think Needs a Lobotomy?

The Lobotomy is a controversial treatment that has been around for a long time but it's use is not for the squeamish.

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Why is Your Vision Spotty?

Why is Your Vision Spotty?

Have you ever wondered what those spots are when you rub your eyes? Or when you go into a dark room from outside? Lets look into the world of after images.

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