Inspiring Videos

Heartwarming Videos to Inspire and Feel Good

What to do When You Feel Stuck in Life

What to do When You Feel Stuck in Life

Are you stuck? Is life passing you by? What do you do? Lets see why you feel like you're not moving ahead in life and what you can do to take control.

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Meet the Strongman Who Beat Death and Went on to Make the Heaviest Log Lift

Meet the Strongman Who Beat Death and Went on to Make the Heaviest Log Lift

Meet strongman Darren Greenfield who survived a terrible accident when he was 18-years-old and went on to become the record holder for Heaviest Log Lift.

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Paraplegic Tennis Player Walks for the First Time and Carries the Olympic Torch

Paraplegic Tennis Player Walks for the First Time and Carries the Olympic Torch

Paraplegic Tennis Player Kevin Piette was able to walk using a special exoskeleton and carried the Olympic torch down the streets of Paris as part of the opening ceremony.

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Meet the People Saving Animals in War Torn Ukraine

Meet the People Saving Animals in War Torn Ukraine

When war hit Ukraine most people had little time to prepare or ultimately lost their lives. Left behind were their pets who had no humans to help them until these kind strangers came along to rescue them.

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What Autistic People Want You to Know

What Autistic People Want You to Know

Autistic people have trouble being heard in a society that doesn't understand them, especially those who are nonspeaking. But now 29 years old, Jordyn Zimmerman who is autistic and nonspeaking, is letting her voice be heard.

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Meet the World's Oldest Gym Instructor

Meet the World's Oldest Gym Instructor

Meet Tim Minnick, he's the world's Oldest Gym Instructor. At 73 years old Tim teaches multiple fitness classes in Texas as a way to keep active in hid old age.

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90-Year-Old Body Builders Shares His Secrets

90-Year-Old Body Builders Shares His Secrets

At 90-years-old most people are frail and need of help but not Jim Arrington. Jim last competed in a body building competition in 2022 and has no plans on stopping anytime soon. This are his secrets to keeping fit while everyone else wastes away.

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Disabled Kid gets a PVC Pipe Walker

Disabled Kid gets a PVC Pipe Walker

This family had no idea how far an employee at a hardware store would go to help their disabled son learn to walk. With some basic plumbing supplies he was able to make a PVC Pipe walker.

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Snowboarder Rescued from Snow by Guardian Angel

Snowboarder Rescued from Snow by Guardian Angel

This snowboarder met his guardian angel after he found himself trapped upside down in a tree well covered in snow.

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Why You Shouldn't Worry

Why You Shouldn't Worry

Most people live their lives worrying about things but there's no good reason for it. If there is a problem and you can solve it, why worry? If there is a problem and you can't solve, why worry?

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Octogenarian Sprinter Proves Age is Just a Number

Octogenarian Sprinter Proves Age is Just a Number

Watch as 87-year-old Japanese sprinter Hiroo Tanaka takes top spot in World Masters Athletics in Malaga, Spain in the 100m run blowing away the competition.

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Free Meals for Chinese Street Cleaners

Free Meals for Chinese Street Cleaners

Street cleaners are often over looked in society, especially those in China. Now a charity has been setup to give free meals once a week to the hard workers as a thank you for their work.

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Ocean Cleanup Sets Sail for the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Ocean Cleanup Sets Sail for the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Ocean Cleanup is finally on it's way heading to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in an attempt to clean up one of the biggest messes we've made.

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Meet the Fastest Man on 2 Hands

Meet the Fastest Man on 2 Hands

You might not have heard of Zion Clark but you'll never forget him. With only the top half of his body he is the fastest man on 2 hands.

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Richard Branson's Inspiring Message to Kids From Space

Richard Branson's Inspiring Message to Kids From Space

Richard Branson made it into space and safely back home to earth but not before giving kids all around the world an inspiring message.

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