Nature Videos, Page 2

The Natural World

How a Flooded Cave is Helping Scientists Learn About Mallorca

How a Flooded Cave is Helping Scientists Learn About Mallorca

Mallorca is a popular destination but the history of how it was first populated has been a bit of a mystery until now. Lets see how a now flooded underwater cave is giving scientists clues about it's history.

Logging Elephant Saved with a Pineapple

Logging Elephant Saved with a Pineapple

This poor elephant spent her entire life dragging logs around but wasn't unable to continue due to health issues. It took some kind people and a pineapple to get her to a sanctuary where she could spend the rest of her days in peace.

Hungry Pelican Eats His Pals at the Zoo

Hungry Pelican Eats His Pals at the Zoo

This zoo in China has a problem. The Pelican in it's exhibit has a habit of trying to eat all the other creatures with it. Don't worry, they all survive but I can't imagine they're on speaking terms after being eaten.

Never Run From a Charging Bear

Never Run From a Charging Bear

Most people would be terrified seeing this massive bear charging towards them in the wild's of Alaska but not this group. Watch as these photographers show you how to deal with an angry bear running towards you.

Gorgeous Views of the Northern Lights As Seen From the International Space Station

Gorgeous Views of the Northern Lights As Seen From the International Space Station

The Northern Lights are a rare treat for those that have seen them. The International Space Station is home to only a handful of people who get to see our world like no one else. So what happens when you combine the two?

Adorable Baby Raccoons Reunited with Their Mom

Adorable Baby Raccoons Reunited with Their Mom

The city had to remove these raccoons that had made a nest at a home in Toronto. But don't worry, the protective mom was reunited with her cute babies and set free some place safer.

Apollo is the Smartest Parrot You'll Ever See

Apollo is the Smartest Parrot You'll Ever See

Meet Apollo, he's a pretty smart bird. In fact he's so smart he showed off by identifying a variety of objects to show off what he has learnt.

How Venice, Italy Survives Rising Waters

How Venice, Italy Survives Rising Waters

Venice, Italy has survived despite the ever rising water. But how did it's design give it the edge to survive for so long?

Rescued Seal Refuses to Leave His Human Rescuer

Rescued Seal Refuses to Leave His Human Rescuer

This seal was saved by having fishing line cut away that was wrapped around his neck. But after being released he sat with his rescuer refusing to leave.

Butterfly Wings are Even More Beautiful Up Close

Butterfly Wings are Even More Beautiful Up Close

We've all seen butterflies flutter on by and been captivated by their beauty. But did you know that if you zoom in their wings are made up of tiny, colorful scales?

Meet the Rescue Donkey and His New Family

Meet the Rescue Donkey and His New Family

Cash the donkey had just been born when the Weldons family stepped in to save his life on one eventful morning.

Natures Tongues Make for Awkward Kisses

Natures Tongues Make for Awkward Kisses

Nature evolves over time and tongues haven't been left out. Lets see the variety of weird tongues and how animals use them to survive.

Meet the Labrador Greeters at Tewkesbury Abbey in England

Meet the Labrador Greeters at Tewkesbury Abbey in England

Labradors Eric and Florence are part of the team working at Tewkesbury Abbey in England and are the official greeters as you enter the historic venue.

How London is Protected From Catastrophic Flooding

How London is Protected From Catastrophic Flooding

London has a history of flooding but back in the 80's they created the Thames Barrier which stops flood water from wreaking havoc. But how will the barriers fare as climate change takes over?

Rescue Sheep Thinks it's a Dog

Rescue Sheep Thinks it's a Dog

This sheep was rescued as a lamb by farmer Pálína Axelsdóttir Njarðvík of Farm Life Iceland and now it can't live without it's human. Whenever it see's the farmer it acts like a dog running over begging for scratches.

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